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축복교회를 문해 주셔서 감사합니다! 

축복교회는 미국 나사렛 성결교회 교단에 속한 교회로 1997년 김인경 목사가 “주님의 제자가 되어 세상의 축복이 되자”는 비전을 가지고 개척되었습니다. 축복교회는 기도와 말씀을 기초로 거룩한 삶을 추구하며, 복음 중심의 평신도 상담을 통해 이웃의 영적 보살핌과 정서적 지원을 하고 있습니다. 과거의 상처와 삶의 어려움 가운데 계신 분들, 하나님과의 관계가 멀어지신 분들, 예배를 통해 주님과깊은 만남을 경험하기 원하시는 분들, 축복교회가 주님의 마음으로 당신을 초대합니다.

Thank you for visiting Walnut Blessing Church! 

Walnut Blessing Church belongs to the Church of the Nazarene in the United States. It was established in 1997 by Pastor Kim, In-Gyeong as a Korean immigrant congregation with a vision of raising a new generation as disciples and apostles of Christ.  In 2016, Rev. Grace Kim became a new lead pastor and continued the spiritual legacy with the revised vision of becoming disciples of Jesus Christ and blessing neighbors and communities through gospel-centered spiritual care and emotional support. It is a community that wants to share the message of God's love and grace with those who have become distant from God amid past wounds and difficulties in life, and with neighbors who have not heard the good news.  Through worship, small groups, and caring for others, you will experience God’s grace and blessing.  As a Christ-centered community, we invite you to be part of the Blessing Church to receive God’s love and blessing and grow to be disciples of Jesus Christ to bless others. 

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